The work of God continues in each one of us as we seek Him in each and every day.


Sunday 13th October

10.30 am – Morning Worship – Led by Peter Wilson

  • Please join us for refreshments following the service
  • Note – Our Sunday morning services are streamed live and also available after Sunday on the Internet
  • Watch live or later via this link or simply type ‘Poulton Methodist Church’ (no speech marks needed) Into the YouTube search bar.

District Sunday Evening Zoom Services @ 7 pm

Sunday 20th October

10.30 am – Morning Service – Led by Rev Sarah Lamb

Cameo – Wednesday, 16th October – 1.30 pm

  • “Money Matters” (more details to follow).
  • All are welcome.

Bible Study is Back!

  • After a short break, Bible Study will be returning in a new format on Thursday afternoons during October and November.
  • There will be three sessions, each providing an opportunity to explore the Bible Readings taken from the previous Sunday morning service.
  • The first session is scheduled for 2.00 pm on Thursday 17th October in the Lounge.
  • If you’ve not been to Bible Study before, try giving it a go! You will be made very welcome.

Poulton Friends of Trinity Hospice – Coffee Morning and Hospice Christmas Card Sale – 19th October

  • Saturday, 19 October from 10.00 am until 12 noon.
  • Admission £2 to include tea/coffee & biscuits.
  • There will be cakes, preserves, Christmas cards, crafts and a raffle.

Harvest Songs of Praise – 20th October

Our all-age harvest service will focus on the All We Can theme, however, I recognise that this means that we miss the opportunity to sing some of our more traditional harvest hymns which are loved by many. Therefore, I would like to invite you to request your favourite harvest hymns which will be used in our service on 20th October. Please add your request to the list in the foyer and I will do my best to include as many as possible that morning, or come along on Thursday, 10th October at 11.30 am when we shall also sing a selection of traditional harvest hymns. Blessings Rev Sarah.

Coffee Plus

Our Coffee Shop is open each weekday from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 pm. We are welcoming more customers.

Serving those customers is dependent on the hard work of our team of Volunteers. We have vacancies for volunteer servers and volunteer dishwashers.

The period of duty on a shift is generally two hours. Could you come to join our dedicated team of friendly volunteers? If so, please contact Jonathan Fail

If you have anything you wish to be included in future Newsletters please let Alan Banes know