Sunday 12th January
10.30 am – Sunday Morning Service
led by Sister Barbara Crocket
Please join us for refreshments following the service
If you are unable to attend the service you can
watch a Sunday Service on the Internet via this link
or simply type ‘Poulton Methodist Church’ (no speech marks needed)
Into the YouTube search bar
Sunday 19th January
10.30 am – Sunday Morning Service
led by Janet Mordike
Sunday 19th January
6.30 pm – Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
at St John’s Church Poulton
Preacher – Rev Martin Keighley
Youth Group for Year 6+
4.30 pm to 6.00 pm
on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays each month
For more info contact Jess Basquill
Is a way of being church for families involving fun
Is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour
Is found across the world
Check in with us to find out more about our Worship times and other options available with us.
See above for the times of our upcoming Church Services.
We are an active and motivated Mission based Church where we look out to the wider world and express our concern, care and love in both practical and financial ACTION.
We are pleased to be recognised as a Child Friendly Church
The Rev Paul Davis the Chairman of the Lancashire District presented the award at our January 2019 Messy Church
An opportunity for all members of the community to enjoy light refreshments and fellowship in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
Open each weekday from 9.30am to 1.00pm.
All the usual activities held each week
in our buildings are back in 2025.
Please keep an eye on the Notices
if you want to find out more.